![Fiber Access Tools](/shared-products/TVC-0000001470-EVO-67-EN-1.jpg)
Corning Cable Systems manufactures a full line of products designed to quickly, easily and safely access Corning Cable Systems’ fiber optic cables in mid-span situations. These products allow the user to enter a cable and access one or more fibers without disturbing the continuity of other fibers at that location. Drop cables can be spliced without disturbing working traffic on other fibers.
Corning Cable Systems’ new Universal Access Tool 3 (UAT3) simplifies buffer tube removal during mid-span applications and allows easy access to optical fibers within the tube. This tool slits the buffer tube longitudinally into two equal halves, eliminating the need to cut and re-splice all fibers at a mid-span access point. Fully adjustable between 5.0 and 24.0 mm, this truly universal tool can handle all central tube (ribbon and loose fiber) and all stranded loose tube ribbon cables inthe field today, including Corning Cable Systems ALTOS® Ribbon, SST, SST-Ribbon™ and SST-UltraRibbon™ cables.
Unlike other access tools, the tool’s rugged and non-slip design allows controlled movement along the buffer tube by one of two methods. The tool can be hand-driven with the assistance of an included T-handle or power-driven using a power drill with socket adapter (not included) that attaches to the same fitting the T-handle uses. As the UAT3 is driven down the length of tube, two opposing blades safely score the buffer tube. These precise cuts can then be split to remove the tube to expose the bundled or ribbon fibers beneath. New to the UAT3, blade depth can be easily set to pre-set stops with a coarse-adjust knob. Fine-adjust knobs for each blade are also provided for dialing in the most precise tube cuts possible. Easy and reliable, the UAT3 eliminates the guess work with buffer tube removal and any concerns of interrupting service during the mid-span procedure to any live fibers within the buffer tube.
The Optical Fiber Access Tool (OFAT) is designed to provide mid-span fiber access in standard Corning Cable Systems ALTOS® cables. This rugged hand tool will accommodate buffer tubes from 2.4 to 3.0 mm. The OFAT clamps over a buffer tube. As the tool is pulled along the buffer tube, two offset blades slit the tube without damaging fibers inside.
The No-Slack Optical Fiber Access Tool (NOFAT) is suitable for locations where no cable slack can be obtained and the buffer tubes must be accessed while remaining wrapped around the central member.
The Ribbon Splitting Tool is designed to allow mid-span access to 12-, 24- and 36-fiber ribbons. The tool closes around the ribbon as the ribbon settles into the proper slot. The tool slides along the ribbon separating the original ribbon into two new smaller ones without damaging the fibers. Multiple slots on the tool offer the ability to separate the ribbon into these combinations: 2/2, 2/4, 2/6, 4/4, 2/10, 4/8, 6/6, 12/12 and 12/24. (The original ribbon count equals the sum of the two smaller ribbon counts shown.)