![Fiber Drop Repair Splice Closure](/shared-products/TVC-0000001584-FDSC-DRP-REP.jpg)
The Fiber Drop Repair Splice Closure is a taut sheath style fiber closure for use in repairing a single typical “drop” cable of 1 to 12 fibers in above ground, below grade, and direct buried applications.
Fiber Drop Repair Splice Closures are available in either heat-shrink or wrap-around Gel sleeve cable sealing technologies. Designed for use with either toneable or non-toneable flat or round drop cables, this closure incorporates sliding collars onto a metal backbone to facilitate ease of splicing, whether fusion or mechanical.
The heat-shrink version utilizes heat-shrinkable tubing to seal the cables. The gel sealing version incorporates gel sealing technology into a wrap-around sleeve that is re-enterable.
Features and Benefits:
- Compatibility with most drop cable types
- Handles 1 to 12 fibers*
- Heat-shrink or Gel cable sealing
- Closure diameters: 24 inches long, 1,25 inches diameter (Heat-Shrink version) or 2 inches diameter (Gel Seal version)
* Please note that given its taut sheath design, multiple fibers should be ribbonized and mass fusion spliced when using this closure. Two fibers can be individually spliced and contained so long as particular attention is paid to keeping the fibers approximately the same length (see instructions for further detail).