The WaveSmart High Density (HD) Splitter is designed to work with the FieldSmart Makwa platform.
The HD Splitter provides environmental protection, along with a compact design that uses a 75% smaller footprint over earlier design splitter packages.
The WaveSmart High Density Splitter uses 900um jacketed legs and offers superb fiber management.
Features and Benefits
- Terminations compliant to Telcordia GR-326
- Supports all industry standard singlemode and multimode connectors
- 100% performance tested for I.L./R.L. and final mechanical inspection
- Optical component configuration use GR-1221/1209 complaint devices
- RUS Listed
- WaveSmart’s High Density Splitter package protects the Planar Lightwave Circuit in all environments.
- Inputs and outputs protected using high quality 900um upjacket.
- Individual splitters come preloaded in parking lot for easy access and turn-up
- Fiber separators every 17 inches to easily recognize and prevent twisting of fiber legs
- Each leg is 27 inches to reach anywhere in the Makwa
- Each leg labeled for easy identification
- Red boot on input leg
- Splitter package supports (1) 1 x 32, (2) 1 x 16 or (4) 1 x 8 configurations without penalty in real estate or port counts
- “Grow as you go” - only buy splitters as customer take rates increases
- SC UPC, SC APC, LC UPC or LC APC connectors