MODULATOR AGILE, 60dB 860MHz CATVPico Macom Agile Modulator 60dB 860MHz, CATV Channels 2-134

The MACOM A860 agile modulator is a frequency agile audio/video professional re-broadcast grade, microprocessor controlled CATV modulator. Attractive and easy to operate, the sleek design highlights the useful front panel modulation bar-graphs and channel indicators. The simple push button tuning interface allows the A860 to be configured for CATV standard, HRC, and IRC or North American broadcast channels with an RF output of 60 dBmV. The front panel output test point provides a quick reference test point prior to channel combining equipment, saving time and service interruption during setup and maintenance. The A860 features rear panel interface connections for input of NTSC video and monaural and discrete left and right audio. The integrated stereo encoder (optional) will provide a BTSC stereo encoded output channel. MPX loop and 4.5 MHz (modulated) audio input connections are provided to bypass the internal stereo encoder for compatibility with external units; additionally, the MPX loop is useful when used with the EAS-12B emergency override system. A composite audio/video IF loop provides compatibility with scrambling encoders, ghost cancellers, and IF override applications. The unit conforms to FCC Docket 21006 for frequency accuracy.